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First Notice--The Fifth WorldEducation Congress of Chinese Medicine
2018-02-15 10:43   审核人:


The Fifth World Education Congress of Chinese Medicine

The First Notice

 Organized by:World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS)

Hosted by:Educational Instruction Committee of WFCMS

China·Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Dear our honorable experts:

With the changes of people’s view regarding their own health and development of the concept of medicine, World Health Organization (WHO) proposed the millennium development goal of “ the enjoyment of health for all people without discrimination” to impress the general public with the idea of health promotion. It is under this circumstance that the global education of Chinese medicine embraces a promising future.

Organized by the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), and hosted by the Educational Instruction Committee (EIC) of WFCMS and Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TUTCM), theFifth World Education Congress of Chinese Medicine will be held from Saturday 15thSeptember 2018 to Monday 17thSeptember 2018 in Tianjin,China. The conference will focus on the theme of “Inheritance and Innovation, Cooperation and Development” which will serve as a platform for experts and scholars worldwide to exchange and share the experience in Chinese medical education.

The conference will take place in the new campus of TUTCM located besides Tuanbo Lake. Meanwhile, many activities will be organized, such as the Election Meeting for the Second Council of the EIC-WFCMS, the Unveiling Ceremony of the “Belt and Road” TCM Teacher’s Training Base, the Launching of the Global TCM Center for Distant Education and the celebrations of the 60thAnniversary of TUTCM.

We look forward to your presence.

Sincerely yours,

Educational Instruction Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies

China·Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine



The Fifth World Education Congress of Chinese Medicine

 Congress Schedule


September 15th, 9:00-12:00 Registration

September 15th, 13:30-14:00 Visit the Distance Education Center (the “Belt and Road”

Teachers Training Base);

September 15th, 14:00-17:30 The Election Meeting for the Second Council and the First

Meeting of the Third Council of the EIC-WFCMS;

September 16th, 9:15-9:30 TheUnveiling Ceremony of the “Belt and Road” TCM

Teacher’s Training Base;

September 16th, 9:30-12:00 The Opening Ceremony of the Fifth World Education

Congress of Chinese Medicine;

September 16th, 13:30-17:30 Parallel Sessions:

1. International Symposium on Traditional Medicine;

2.China-Japan-KoreaPharmacopoeia Seminar;

3. International Forum on Rehabilitation;

4. The “Belt and Road” TCM University Alliance Seminar

5. The Alumni Representatives Forum

September 17th, 9:30-17:30: Visits and study tours




1. Standardization of Chinese Medicine Education

2. The Mode of Chinese Medicine Education (Inheritance and Innovation)

3. Medical Needs and Chinese Medicine Education

4. International Education and Culture of Chinese Medicine

5. Chinese Medicine Education, Scientific and Technological Innovation

6. Programmatic Accreditation of Chinese Medicine

7. Theory and Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine

8. Theory and Clinical Practice of Acupuncture and Moxibustion

9. Traditional Medicine and Rehabilitation

Submission Details:

1. Paper submitted shall be in the form of Microsoft Word document which can be written in either Chinese or English and maximum length of each paper (including references) is 4,000 words.

2. Abstracts in both Chinese and English around 200 words is required for submission. Keywords shall be listed below the abstract. Please indicate the name and correspondence details of the author.

3. The references shall be within five years. All co-authors shall be listed if there are no more than three co-authors in the paper. Please refer to the reference format as follows: Pandikumara P., Chellappandiana M., Mutheeswarana S., et al. Consensus of local knowledge on medicinal plants among traditional healers in Mayiladumparai block of Theni District, Tamil Nadu, India, Journal of Ethnopharmocology, 2011;134 (2):354-362

Submission Requirements:

1. Please specify the message of “Papers for the Fifth World Education Congress of Chinese Medicine”. The deadline for the submission of papers is June 30, 2018.

2. The papers will be included in the “Conference Proceedings of the Fifth World Education Congress of Chinese Medicine”.

3. Please send your papers to the following e-mail address: tcmforum2018@126.com

Enclosed with: Application Form


Application Form




□ Male

□ Female




Working Title

Academic Title

Work Unit

Postage Address

Post Code




Congress affairs fee (covering costs of registration, materials, certificate, food and local transportation)

□ Register before 30thMay 2018, 1,000 RMB/person

□ Register after 30thMay 2018, 1,500 RMB/person

Paper Submitting

□ Yes

□ No

Note: please reply this application form to the following e-mail address by30thApril 2018:tcmforum2018@126.com

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