Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire for International Students in TUTCM
According to your study experiences in TUTCM, please answer the following questions carefully. Tick (√) your choice in the option boxes. Your suggestions will have positive effects on improving the quality of teaching. Thank you for your cooperation.
指标内容 Content |
分值 Value |
评估等级 Evaluation Rank |
100 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
1 |
0.8 |
0.6 |
0.4 |
0.2 |
1. 授课条理清晰、表述清楚 Clear teaching and lines of content |
10 |
2. 授课内容重点突出,难点重点讲解透彻 Disclosed key points and clear explanations of difficulties and key points |
10 |
3. 课堂注重师生互动,教学气氛活跃 Encouraging to participate in class, emphasis on interaction between teachers and students, and creation of a lively teaching atmosphere |
10 |
4. 能够理论联系实际,举例恰当 Being able to link the theory with practice and give proper examples |
10 |
5. 备课充分,教学过程组织良好 Well prepared classes and the well organized process |
10 |
6. 熟练运用英文讲课语言,表达流畅清晰 Good English proficiency in teaching, fluent and clear expressions |
10 |
7. 有效使用多媒体等现代教育技术手段,课堂信息丰丰富 Effective usage of multimedia and other modern educational technology and rich classes information |
10 |
8. 授课有自己的特点,讲课受欢迎,有效提高学习兴趣 Feature teaching and effective improvement of study interest. |
10 |
9. 所用的教学方法能够激发学生独立思考 Independent thinking stimulated by teaching methods |
10 |
10. 能够结合课程介绍相关学术动态和前沿知识 Introduction to related academic trends and leading edge knowledge as to the course |
10 |
Advice and suggestions to the course